OVERVIEW: Wine, Beer, Food and Art
DATE: 6th and 7th May 2023
TIME: 11.00am - 5.00pm
LOCATION: Pirrama Park, Pyrmont

The Pyrmont Festival is a festival celebrating food, wine and art, which includes the 2-Day food and wine event. The festival is a community-run event which fosters a strong connection with the country and the city. This year they celebrate the 11th Pyrmont Festival, and welcome all parts of the community to be part of this important festival.

Free entry - everyone in the community is welcome
Wineries from NSW wine regions
Oyster Bar from the famous Sydney Fish Market
Local breweries and distilleries
Local food trucks
Free live entertainment from local musicians and artists
Family and first date friendly
Kids zone
Art classes
Food and wine courses
Accessible access to all parts of the park

For more information please visit the Pyrmont Festival website
Etymon Concierge